
Yesterday's Tidbit


What is with the nasty little bugs.

Last Tuesday we did some yard work. In two hours, in early spring, I got 7 mosquito bites. Ouch. I was so mad. Daniel didn't get a single one.

According to this article, it's because I smell better apparently. Something about your genetic make-up and/or your blood type. But if it's genetics, why do one of my siblings and I get bit a lot and the other two don't. Cameron and I are like magnets to mosquitoes. It's awful.

I found this:

Why are some people more attractive to mosquitoes than others?
Scientists are still investigating the complexities involved with mosquito host acceptance and rejection. Some people are highly attractive to mosquitoes and others are rarely bothered. Mosquitoes have specific requirements to satisfy, and process many different factors before they feed. Many of the mosquito?s physiological demands are poorly understood and many of the processes they use to evaluate potential blood meal hosts remain a mystery. Female mosquitoes use the CO2 we exhale as their primary cue to our location. A hostseeking mosquito is guided to our skin by following the slip stream of CO2 that exudes from our breath. Once they have landed, they rely on a number of short-range attractants to determine if we are an acceptable blood meal host. Folic acid is one chemical that appears to be particularly important. Fragrances from hair sprays, perfumes, deodorants, and soap can cover these chemical cues. They can also function to either enhance or repel the hostseeking drive. Dark colors capture heat and make most people more attractive to mosquitoes. Light colors refract heat and are generally less attractive. Detergents, fabric softeners, perfumes, and body odor can counteract the effects of color. In most cases, only the mosquito knows why one person is more attractive than another.

I guess I won't find out for a while why I am a target. Maybe I'll eat more bananas and hope that old wives tale works. Does anyone have any more ideas or explanations?


  1. sorry cant help you on this one. Mosquito bites are the PITS! I remember when I was 16 and we moved to the states. We went on a ward campout the day before we left. I had 27 bites! And being on a 14 hour + flight is NOT FUN!

  2. I couldn't tell you why you're more yummy than your husband but I can tell you that lemon juice is a good repellant. Weird, huh? You just rub it over your skin and it isn't even sticky! Cool, huh? At least it worked on me.
