
Our day off Part 1

We did a few fun things with our day off from work and school. We started off with talking to some friends and family on skype. It was fun while it lasted, as it didn't last long because of internet problems. But we will try again as soon as we get the chance. We got to show Daniel's family our turtle and the kids liked it. We had a leisurely morning and then Selena came with some "zong zi" for lunch, the traditional dish of the Dragon Boat Festival.

 Her mom made them for us. They were pretty good.

They are wrapped in bamboo leaves. This one had pork and large beans in it. I liked this one better than the ones from Zhongshan Lu, but Daniel liked the other ones better. Now we have 4 in our fridge that we need to eat.

Then we went and got our turtle a larger tank. Next on our list is to get him something to climb on so he can rest and sunbath.

Then we got some Mango Ice. Then we headed out into the heat of the day for a further adventure. Check back tomorrow.

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