
Monticello Part 4

The Dome Room portico.
(photo from last year when I went with my grandma).
First off, the reason there is a door there, is because of ...symmetry. You guessed it. It has no other real purpose. It opens up to the portico above the west porch. So if there is space there, it would make sense to store stuff here. Right? Nope. It was furnished with a couch and a desk for two of Jefferson's granddaughters.

I can only imagine there were stairs to get down there, but now there aren't.

One of the granddaughters, Virginia Randolph, wrote this in a letter in 1823:

"I have never told you of the nice little cuddy that has become my haunt, and from which I am now writing. do you recollect the place over the parlour Portico into which the dome room opened? since the columns to the portico have been completed, Grand Papa has had the great work bench removed from it, and a floor layed, Cornelia ’s ingenuity in conjunction with mine formed steps from the dome into this little closet with a pile of boxes, and having furnished this apartment with a sopha to lounge upon, though alas! without cushions, a high & low chair & two small tables, one for my writing desk, the other for my books; and breathing through a broken pane of glass and some wide cracks in the floor, I have taken possession with the dirt daubers, wasps & bumble beas; and do not intend to give it up to any thing but the formidable rats which have not yet found out this fairy palace."

She wrote that at age 22 to her fiance. Apparently she and Cornelia really enjoyed themselves up there. 

I think that's kind of fun.

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