
Mmmmm... Chocolate....

I'm not very good at getting this tidbit thing out on Tuesdays. Let's pretend it's the kind of Tuesday we all want - the one where Friday comes next.But here is this week's anyway.


What could be better? I crave it about 17 hours a day. That's because I'm asleep the rest of it.

How did Chocolate reach us in it's modern form? Who was the first weirdo who tasted the cocoa bean and thought "I can turn this into something good!"? Because cocoa is nasty. Very bitter.

Etymology: The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztecs of Mexico, and is derived from the Nahuatl word xocolatl [1] which is a combination of the words, xocolli, meaning "bitter", and atl, which is "water".

At one point in it's history, the cocoa bean was used as currency. But it was mostly a drink, the bitter kind.

Wikipedia says that: (because you know wikipedia is always right, right?) In mostEuropean countries it was only royalty and nobility that had chocolate.

"The situation was different in England. Put simply, anyone with money could buy it. The first chocolate house opened in London in 1657. In 1689, noted physician and collector Hans Sloane developed a milk chocolate drink in Jamaica which was initially used by apothecaries, but later sold to the Cadbury brothers."

Sound familiar? Anyone who knows chocolate knows that Cadbury is THE BEST!!!

Through various types of processing, creating things like cocoa butter and cocoa powder, people were able to experiment and come up with a sweet cocoa that they then turned into chocolate bars. That we all love. And Frosting. And Cake. And chips. And hot fudge, etc. Yummy.

Wikipedia has many articles on Chocolate.

Now I need to eat some.



1 comment:

  1. If you can't handle cocoa straight, virgin, and undiluted, then you obviously don't truly know what love is. You'll never know the consummate joy, the depth of our love, the intimacy that we, Theobroma and I, enjoy. We have seen the darkest side of each other, and we are still in love. And to just say that Cadbury is the best, without any consideration... Well, that just shows how fatuous your relationship is. How can you fail to remember Ghirardelli's or Lindt? Especially Lindt's 70% and 85% Chocolate! Have you known the joy of the earthy Sao Tome? Or the Arriba, with it's delicate floral hints? It is a wide world, you must not be cloistered away like a Nun, married only to Christ. Life is for living! The bean, it is the bean! Infininte in its variety and subtlty.
