
Photo experiments

Right before we moved here I took some of the money from selling my car and got a Nikon D5000 DSLR camera. I took a photography class in high school and enjoyed it. I've thought since about playing with photography again, so, when we decided to move to China, I thought this would be a good opportunity. Daniel has also wanted a nice DSLR camera since we got married. There is so much to see in China and we wanted a high quality camera to capture it all.

While we've been out and about seeing things, I've also been looking for interesting pictures to take. Here are some of my experiments that I have messed with a little. I didn't use any professional editing software or anything, just tweaked them in Picasa. What software would you all suggest I use?

Let me know what you think.

I'm kind of partial to them.


  1. They look really good! A lot of people like photoshop elements.

  2. I like gimp–it's cheap and does about everything I've ever tried in PhotoShop, but isn't quite such a memory hog.

  3. A good camera is the best investment. Love this post.

  4. Hi, Ashley, this is Jordan Craw's wife, Jennifer. I have to tell you that your pictures are fabulous! I'm very impressed! I hope you've enjoyed your days - looks like so many exciting places to visit!
